
Menampilkan postingan dari 2020


Japan becomes every people dream destination. The culture, traditions, and places are so fascinating. Japan has four distinct  seasons : March to May is  spring ; June to August is  summer ; September to November is  autumn ; and December to February is  winter .            Spring This is the time when we can see the symbol of early  spring , the cherry blossoms.  Spring  is the time for "Hanami", cherry blossom viewing events. The best time to see cherry blossoms in Tokyo is usually from the end of March to the beginning of April.           Summer              Summer is the best time to see "Natsu  Matsuri  ( Summer  Festival)" and "Hanabi (Fireworks)" which held in every cities, you can see every people wering yukata during festival.  Summer  festivals are held in every corner of Japan through July and August.             Autumn             Autumn  is also a time when many cultural events are happening. In Tokyo, N


Theory Participle is a word that can be used as an adjective and a verb. There are two types of participles: the present and past participle. Participle is a non-finite form of the verb which in regular verbs ends either -ing or -ed ( -en for irregular verbs). Two participles are distinguished traditionally labelled present participle (e.g. being, doing, looking, also called gerund participle or -ing participle) and past participle (e.g. been, done, drunk, looked ). neither name is accurate, since both participles are used in the formation of a variety of complex constructions (tenses) and can be used in combination with one or more auxiliaries to refer to past/present/future time. Preferred term are -ing form which also includes the gerund and -ed / -d / -t / -en / -n form. The past participle is used for passive voice adjectives and the present participles is used for active voice adjectives. For example, from word go - went – gone , see - saw – seen , and have – ha

OBJECT OF PREPOSITION( theory , example , question )

OBJECT OF PREPOSITION A preposition is a word that shows the relation of the noun following it to some other word. A prepositional phrase   is a preposition , its object , and any words that tell about the project . these phrases are used like adjectives and adverbs to describe. Example : in the house from the market of the world for the last time with your permission to make one more attemp Question ·          Multiple choice 1.       Mark twain ….. they years after the civil war the “gilded Age” a. called b. calling c. he called d. his calls Explanation : jawabannya adalah a karena merupakan kerja dalam bentuk simple past tense 2.    ___ alcoholism are the slow destruction of the liver and possible death a.       The long-term effects of b.       Dangerously c.        The eventual effect of d.       Chronic and eventual Explaination     :   pada soal ini teradapat kata kerja bantu are sehingga didepan objek alcoholism dibutuh


AUDIT SISTEM INFORMASI APLIKASI PERSEDIAAN PADA PT SS PT SS merupakan salah satu perusahaan distributor yang juga menerapkan teknologi informasi pada sistem perusahaannya. Adapun aktivitas utama dari perusahaan ini adalah mendistribusikan alumunium dan gypsum ke perusahaan lain (suplier) di Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang tersebut. Sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang distribusi, sudah barang tentu pengelolaan inventori menjadi salah satu aspek vital yang perlu mendapatkan porsi khusus dalam pengelolaannya. Salah satu solusinya adalah dengan menerapkan teknologi informasi pada sistem persediaan agar informasi yang diperoleh lebih akurat dan cepat sehingga pengelolaan inventori pun menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Oleh sebab itu, sistem persediaan menjadi sangat penting karena umumnya persediaan merupakan komponen aktiva lancar yang jumlahnya cukup material dan merupakan objek manipulasi serta tempat terjadinya kesalahan-kesalahan besar. Penentuan besarnya nilai persediaan